Crate include_dir [] [src]

The logical evolution of the include_str!() macro to allow embedding entire file trees.

If you want to use this in stable, you'll need a build script.

extern crate include_dir;

use std::env;
use std::path::Path;
use include_dir::include_dir;

fn main() {
    let outdir = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap();
    let dest_path = Path::new(&outdir).join("");


Then in one of your source files, you'll need to include the generated file. Notice that it's been included as a submodule, that way the code include_dir generates won't pollute the rest of your project. By making it public, you also gain the ability to check out the generated assets and see what you can do with them.

Be careful when using this code, it's not being tested!
pub mod assets {
    include!(concat!(env!("OUT_DIR"), "/"));


Because a large part of this crate's functionality comes from code generation, the best reference for features and examples will be the integration tests directory.


By default include_dir requires no extra runtime dependencies. This is great because you just need to run the build script and include the generated file and then have full access access to the embedded assets, however it does limit your ability to access some nice features.

This feature adds the ability to search for files using glob patterns. It requires you to add extern crate glob to the top of your or ', and is accessible using the globs feature flag.

Be careful when using this code, it's not being tested!
extern crate glob;

for entry in ASSETS.glob("*.rs")? {
    println!("{}", entry.path().display());



Submodule containing code generated by error-chain.



A builder object to give the include_dir() function a nice fluent API.



The entire purpose of this crate.