Macro imxrt_dcd::set_reg

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macro_rules! set_reg {
    ($periph:path, $instance:ident, $reg:ident $([$offset:expr])*, $($args:tt)+) => { ... };
Expand description

Creates a DCD command that sets specified bits / fields to 1 in the specified RAL register, i.e. register |= arg1 | arg2 | ... .


write_reg!(ral::path::to::peripheral, INSTANCE, REGISTER, ...args)

Each arg can be FIELD: value, @FIELD (= all bits of the field), or an arbitrary expression. All args are bitwise-OR’d together to form the final value. See crate-level docs for details on args.

Returns a crate::Command::Write with crate::WriteOp::Set.


dcd::set_reg!(ral::ccm_analog, CCM_ANALOG, PLL_ARM, @ENABLE)