initSidebarItems({"fn":[["brighten","Brighten the supplied image ```value``` is the amount to brighten each pixel by. Negative values decrease the brightness and positive values increase it."],["contrast","Adjust the contrast of the supplied image ```contrast``` is the amount to adjust the contrast by. Negative values decrease the contrast and positive values increase the contrast."],["dither","Reduces the colors of the image using the supplied `color_map` while applying Floyd-Steinberg dithering to improve the visual conception"],["grayscale","Convert the supplied image to grayscale"],["index_colors","Reduces the colors using the supplied `color_map` and returns an image of the indices"],["invert","Invert each pixel within the supplied image This function operates in place."]],"struct":[["BiLevel","A bi-level color map"]],"trait":[["ColorMap","A color map"]]});