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IOTA Core Traits and Types definitions


Creates a new IOTA DID from a public key and optional network.


Defines the difference between two IotaDocument JSON representations.

Defines the difference between two IotaDocumentMetadata JSON representations.


Defines the difference between two IotaDocument JSON representations, published to the Tangle on a differentiation chain index.

A DID conforming to the IOTA DID method specification.

A DID Document adhering to the IOTA DID method specification.

Additional attributes related to an IOTA DID Document.

Represent the object that nodes gossip around the network.

A message identifier, the BLAKE2b-256 hash of the message bytes. See https://www.blake2.net/ for more information.

Network name compliant with the IOTA DID method specification.


The Tangle network to use (Mainnet or Devnet).


Type Definitions

A CoreDocument whose fields adhere to the IOTA DID method specification.

A DID URL conforming to the IOTA DID method specification.

A Service adhering to the IOTA DID method specification.

A VerificationMethod adhering to the IOTA DID method specification.