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Decentralized Identifiers



Additional functionality for DID assisted digital signatures.


A Decentralized Identifier (DID).

A wrapper around BaseDIDUrl.

A DID Document.

A DID Url: a DID with RelativeDIDUrl components.

Specifies a DIDUrl or fragment to query a service or method in a DID Document.

A DocumentBuilder is used to generate a customized Document.

A MethodBuilder is used to generate a customized Method.

A relative DID Url with the path, query, and fragment components defined according to URI syntax.

A compressed bitmap for managing credential revocation.

A DID Document Service used to enable trusted interactions associated with a DID subject.

A ServiceBuilder is used to generate a customized Service.

A DID Document Verification Method.


Error type caused by invalid DID handling.

This type represents all possible errors that can occur in the library.

Supported verification method data formats.

A reference to a verification method, either a DID or embedded Method.

Verification relationships.

Verification method group used to refine the scope of a method query.

Supported verification method types.

Represents all possible verification method URI types

A single URL, set, or map of endpoints specified in a Service.


Allows retrieving an entry from a collection using a custom query type.

Used to return absolute or relative method URI.

Type Definitions

A method agnostic DID Url.

Alias for a Result with the error type Error.