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Cryptographic Utilities


An implementation of Ed25519 signatures.

An implementation of the JCS Ed25519 Signature 2020 signature suite for Linked Data Proofs.

A convenient type for representing a pair of cryptographic keys.

A digital signature.

Holds attributes for a new Proof.

An implementation of X25519 Elliptic-curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) cryptographic key exchange.


Supported cryptographic key types.

Associates a purpose with a Proof.

A DID Document proof value with a dynamic JSON field name.


A trait for types that can provide a reference to a Proof.

A trait for types that can provide a mutable reference to a Proof.

A common interface for named signature suites.

A trait for types that can store a digital signature.

A common interface for digital signature creation.

A common interface for digital signature creation.

A common interface for digital signature verification

A common interface for digital signature verification

Type Definitions

A cryptographic key with Private components.

A cryptographic key with Public components.