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icu_provider_cldr contains implementations of the ICU4X DataProvider interface based on the JSON files shipped by CLDR. Create a CldrPaths and then pass it into CldrJsonDataProvider.

This crate contains two implementations of CldrPaths:

  • CldrPathsLocal points to local copies of the CLDR JSON repositories.
  • CldrPathsDownload downloads and caches the CLDR JSON repositories. Requires the “download” feature.

Important: This data provider implementation is not optimized for production use. It is much more efficient if you use FsDataProvider instead.


pub use transform::get_all_cldr_keys;
pub use transform::CldrJsonDataProvider;


This module contains the core transformer code from CLDR JSON to ICU4X Data Provider.


An implementation of CldrPaths for one combined local CLDR JSON directory.

An implementation of CldrPaths for multiple separate local CLDR JSON directories per component.



Trait returning filesystem paths to CLDR JSON resource directories. The fields should be Ok if present. They default to Err when not present.