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Tools for locale fallback, enabling arbitrary input locales to be mapped into the nearest locale with data.

The algorithm implemented in this module is called Flexible Vertical Fallback. Watch #2243 to track improvements to this algorithm and steps to enshrine the algorithm in CLDR.


Run the locale fallback algorithm:

use icu_provider_adapters::fallback::LocaleFallbacker;
use icu_provider::prelude::*;

// Set up a LocaleFallbacker with data.
let fallbacker = LocaleFallbacker::try_new_unstable(&icu_testdata::unstable()).expect("data");

// Create a LocaleFallbackerWithConfig with a configuration for a specific key.
// By default, uses language priority with no additional extension keywords.
let key_fallbacker = fallbacker.for_config(Default::default());

// Set up the fallback iterator.
let mut fallback_iterator = key_fallbacker.fallback_for(icu_locid::locale!("hi-Latn-IN").into());

// Run the algorithm and check the results.
assert_eq!(fallback_iterator.get().to_string(), "hi-Latn-IN");
assert_eq!(fallback_iterator.get().to_string(), "hi-Latn");
assert_eq!(fallback_iterator.get().to_string(), "en-IN");
assert_eq!(fallback_iterator.get().to_string(), "en-001");
assert_eq!(fallback_iterator.get().to_string(), "en");
assert_eq!(fallback_iterator.get().to_string(), "und");


Data provider struct definitions for vertical fallback.


Configuration settings for a particular fallback operation.
Iteration type for locale fallback operations.
A data provider wrapper that performs locale fallback. This enables arbitrary locales to be handled at runtime.
Entry type for locale fallbacking.
Intermediate type for spawning locale fallback iterators based on a specific configuration.