Attribute Macro icu_provider::data_struct

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The #[data_struct] attribute should be applied to all types intended for use in a DataStruct. It does the following things:

  • Apply #[derive(Yokeable, ZeroFrom)]. The ZeroFrom derive can be customized with #[zerofrom(clone)] on non-ZeroFrom fields.

In addition, the attribute can be used to implement DataMarker and/or ResourceMarker by adding symbols with optional key strings:

use icu_provider::prelude::*;
use std::borrow::Cow;

    BarV1Marker = "demo/bar@1",
    BazV1Marker = "demo/baz@1"
pub struct FooV1<'data> {
    message: Cow<'data, str>,

// Note: FooV1Marker implements `DataMarker` but not `ResourceMarker`.
// The other two implement `ResourceMarker`.

assert_eq!(BarV1Marker::KEY.get_path(), "demo/bar@1");
assert_eq!(BazV1Marker::KEY.get_path(), "demo/baz@1");

If the #[crabbake(path = ...)] attribute is present on the data struct, this will also implement it on the markers.