[][src]Module icu::datetime::options::components

Components is a model of encoding information on how to format date and time by specifying a list of components the user wants to be visible in the formatted string and how each field should be displayed.

This model closely corresponds to ECMA402 API and allows for high level of customization compared to Style model.

Additionally, the bag contains an optional set of Preferences which represent user preferred adjustments that can be applied onto the pattern right before formatting.

Pattern Selection

It is important to understand that the components bag is a human-friendly way to describe a skeleton, not a pattern. That means that the components and their styles provided by the user will be matched against available patterns for a given locale and the closest available pattern will be used for formatting.

That means, that it is possible that if the user asks for a combination of fields or lengths that CLDR has no data associated with, the selected pattern may be different than the selection in the Components bag. Such scenarios should be rare.


use icu_datetime::options::components;

let options = components::Bag {
    year: Some(components::Numeric::Numeric),
    month: Some(components::Month::Long),
    day: Some(components::Numeric::Numeric),

    hour: Some(components::Numeric::TwoDigit),
    minute: Some(components::Numeric::TwoDigit),

    preferences: None,


Note: The exact result returned from [DateTimeFormat] is a subject to change over time. Formatted result should be treated as opaque and displayed to the user as-is, and it is strongly recommended to never write tests that expect a particular formatted output.



