Crate iceoryx2_bb_elementary

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Contains basic constructs which do not have any kind of dependency.


  • Contains the traits BaseAllocator which contains the most basic functionality an allocator requires and Allocator with more advanced allocation features.
  • Easy enum generation to implement error signaling enums more efficiently.
  • Can be used to implement a singleton object which is not initialized when it is being created.
  • Contains simplistic math functions.
  • Represents a normal non-null pointer. It was introduced to distinguish normal pointers from crate::relocatable_ptr::RelocatablePointer. It implements the PointerTrait.
  • Building block to handle inter process communication with multiple shared memory object. Every process has mapped them to a different virtual memory location therefore pointer inside that memory region should be distances starting from a fix point which maybe different in every process.
  • A building block to handle resources that need to be explicitly cleaned up.
  • Contains two building blocks to generate unique ids. Useful for parallized unit test to generate names which point to OS resources or to enumerate constructs uniquely.
