Expand description

Create Iced style sheets from configuration files.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

iced = "0.4"
iced_style_config = "0.2"

To disable hot reloading support:

iced = "0.4"
iced_style_config = { version = "0.2", default-features = false }

Note: Hot reloading on WebAssembly is not yet supported.

Compiler support: requires the latest stable rustc


cargo run --example hot_reloading

Schemas for configuration files

The schema.json is the JSON schemas for the configuration files, and when combined with an extension of the editor that supports completion using the JSON schema, completion can be enabled.

Visual Studio Code

In VS Code, you can enable completion and validation by installing the Even Better TOML extension and using the evenBetterToml.schema.associations configuration object in settings.json.

For example:

  "evenBetterToml.schema.associations": {
    ".*_theme\\.toml": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/taiki-e/iced_style_config/main/schema.json",


pub use reloadable::ReloadableTheme;
pub use widget::*;



An error that occurred during parsing the configuration file.

An Iced style sheet.

Type Definitions

Alias for a Result with the error type iced_style_config::Error.