Expand description

Use the built-in widgets or create your own.


pub use button::Button;
pub use container::Container;
pub use pane_grid::PaneGrid;
pub use pick_list::PickList;
pub use scrollable::Scrollable;
pub use slider::Slider;
pub use text_input::TextInput;
pub use tooltip::Tooltip;
pub use tree::Tree;


Allow your users to perform actions by pressing a button.

Show toggle controls using checkboxes.

Decorate content and apply alignment.

Display images in your user interface.

Let your users split regions of your application and organize layout dynamically.

Display a dropdown list of selectable values.

Provide progress feedback to your users.

Create choices using radio buttons.

Display a horizontal or vertical rule for dividing content.

Navigate an endless amount of content with a scrollbar.

Display an interactive selector of a single value from a range of values.

Display vector graphics in your application.

Display fields that can be filled with text.

Show toggle controls using togglers.

Display a widget over another.

Store internal widget state in a state tree to ensure continuity.


A box that can be checked.

A container that distributes its contents vertically.

A frame that displays an image while keeping aspect ratio.

A bar that displays progress.

A circular button representing a choice.

A container that distributes its contents horizontally.

Display a horizontal or vertical rule for dividing content.

An amount of empty space.

A vector graphics image.

A paragraph of text.

A toggler widget.


The position of the tooltip. Defaults to following the cursor.


A component that displays information and allows interaction.