Expand description

An append-only list data structure, also known as log.

It supports arbitrary-sized entries and dynamic sizing to arbitrary number of entries (as long as the underlying memory offers enough space). This requires two independently growable Memory trait objects. For canister development it is recommended to use a crate::memory_manager.

V1 layout

This log uses two crate::Memory trait objects:

  • index memory to store the memory addresses of each entry
  • data memory to store the entries themselves

Index memory

---------------------------------------- <- Address 0
Magic "GLI"             ↕ 3 bytes
Layout version          ↕ 1 byte
Reserved space          ↕ 28 bytes
---------------------------------------- <- Address 32 (HEADER_OFFSET)
Number of entries = L   ↕ 8 bytes
---------------------------------------- <- Address 40
E_0                     ↕ 8 bytes
E_0 + E_1               ↕ 8 bytes
E_0 + ... + E_(L-1)     ↕ 8 bytes
Unused index entries    ↕ 8×(N-L) bytes
Unallocated space

Data memory

---------------------------------------- <- Address 0
Magic "GLD"             ↕ 3 bytes
Layout version          ↕ 1 byte
Reserved space          ↕ 28 bytes
---------------------------------------- <- Address 32 (HEADER_OFFSET)
Entry 0 bytes           ↕ E_0 bytes
Entry 1 bytes           ↕ E_1 bytes
Entry (L-1) bytes       ↕ E_(L-1) bytes
Unallocated space


