macro_rules! library_benchmark_group {
        $( config = $config:expr ; $(;)* )?
        benchmarks = $( $function:ident ),+
    ) => { ... };
        name = $name:ident;
        $( config = $config:expr ; $(;)* )?
        benchmarks =
    ) => { ... };
        name = $name:ident; $(;)*
        $( config = $config:expr ; $(;)* )?
        benchmarks = $( $function:ident ),+ $(,)*
    ) => { ... };
Expand description

Macro used to define a group of library benchmarks

A small introductory example which shows the basic setup. This macro only accepts benchmarks annotated with #[library_benchmark] (crate::library_benchmark).

use iai_callgrind::{library_benchmark_group, library_benchmark};

fn bench_something() -> u64 {

    name = my_group;
    benchmarks = bench_something

iai_callgrind::main!(library_benchmark_groups = my_group);

To be benchmarked a library_benchmark_group has to be added to the main! macro by adding its name to the library_benchmark_groups argument of the main! macro. See there for further details about the crate::main macro.

The following top-level arguments are accepted:

    name = my_group;
    config = LibraryBenchmarkConfig::default();
    benchmarks = some_func
  • name (mandatory): A unique name used to identify the group for the main! macro
  • config (optional): A crate::LibraryBenchmarkConfig which is applied to all benchmarks within the same group.