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§i3monkit - The i3 Status Bar Monitor Toolkit
This is a toolkit for building customized i3 status bar for the i3 tiling window manager.
i3 has its default status bar program called i3status
, but it’s somehow limited and hard to
extend and customize. This crate gives you the ability to reimplement an status bar program for
i3 quickly.
It comes with a set of builtin widget as well, such as, CPU usage bar, Network speed meter, etc.
You can crate your own status bar with just a few lines of code in Rust.
First, you need to crate a crate and import this crate
i3mokit = "*"
Then, config your customized i3 status bar
use i3monkit::*;
use i3monkit::widgets::*;
fn main() {
let mut bar = WidgetCollection::new();
//Add realtime stock prices, for example: Microsoft, AMD and Facebook
let stock_client = StockClient::new("your-alphavantage-API-key");
bar.push(StockClient::create_widget(&stock_client, "MSFT"));
bar.push(StockClient::create_widget(&stock_client, "AMD"));
bar.push(StockClient::create_widget(&stock_client, "FB"));
//Realtime upload/download rate for a interface
//Display all the cpu usage for each core
for i in 0..4 {
//Volume widget
bar.push(VolumeWidget::new("default", "Master", 0));
//Battery status
// Then start updating the satus bar
bar.update_loop(I3Protocol::new(Header::new(1), std::io::stdout()));
Finally, you can change ~/.config/i3/config
to make i3wm uses your status bar program
# Start i3bar to display a workspace bar (plus the system information i3status
# finds out, if available)
bar {
status_command path/to/your/customized/status/program
tray_output primary
colors {
background #222222
statusline #00ee22
separator #666666
# border backgr. text
focused_workspace #4c7899 #285577 #ffffff
inactive_workspace #333333 #222222 #888888
urgent_workspace #2f343a #900000 #ffffff
§Write your own widget
You can also add your customized widget to the framework by implementing the Widget
use i3monkit::{Block, Widget, WidgetUpdate};
struct Greeter(&'static str);
impl Widget for Greeter {
fn update(&mut self) -> Option<WidgetUpdate> {
refresh_interval: std::time::Duration::new(3600,0),
data: Some(Block::new().append_full_text(self.0).clone())
fn main() {
let bar = WidgetCollection::new();
bar.push(Greeter("hello world"));
- A block shown on the I3 status bar
- The I3 protocol header
- The abstraction for a i3 protocol instance
- The collection of widgets
- An update of a widget.
- The trait for a decoratable object
- The trait for an widget.