Expand description

This module contains the builtin items, either in this file or in sub-modules.

When adding an item or a property, it needs to be kept in sync with different place. (This is less than ideal and maybe we can have some automation later)

  • It needs to be changed in this module
  • In the compiler: builtins.slint
  • In the interpreter (new item only): dynamic_component.rs
  • For the C++ code (new item only): the cbindgen.rs to export the new item
  • Don’t forget to update the documentation


pub use crate::item_tree::ItemRc;


The implementation of the BorderRectangle element

Helper struct containing the offsets of the fields of the struct BorderRectangle

The implementation of the BoxShadow element

Helper struct containing the offsets of the fields of the struct BoxShadow

The implementation of the Clip element

Helper struct containing the offsets of the fields of the struct Clip

The implementation of the ClippedImage element

Helper struct containing the offsets of the fields of the struct ClippedImage

The implementation of the Flickable element

Wraps the internal data structure for the Flickable

Helper struct containing the offsets of the fields of the struct Flickable

A runtime item that exposes key

Helper struct containing the offsets of the fields of the struct FocusScope

The implementation of the Image element

Helper struct containing the offsets of the fields of the struct ImageItem

Items are the nodes in the render tree.

The Layer Item is not meant to be used directly by the .slint code, instead, the layer: xxx property should be used

Helper struct containing the offsets of the fields of the struct Layer

The Opacity Item is not meant to be used directly by the .slint code, instead, the opacity: xxx or visible: false should be used

Helper struct containing the offsets of the fields of the struct Opacity

The implementation of the Path element

Helper struct containing the offsets of the fields of the struct Path

Represents a key event sent by the windowing system.

The implementation of the PropertyAnimation element

Helper struct containing the offsets of the fields of the struct PropertyAnimation

The implementation of the Rectangle element

Helper struct containing the offsets of the fields of the struct Rectangle

The implementation of the Rotate element

Helper struct containing the offsets of the fields of the struct Rotate

The implementation of the Text element

Helper struct containing the offsets of the fields of the struct Text

The implementation of the TextInput element

Helper struct containing the offsets of the fields of the struct TextInput

The implementation of the TouchArea element

Helper struct containing the offsets of the fields of the struct TouchArea

The implementation of the Window element

Helper struct containing the offsets of the fields of the struct WindowItem


What is returned from the event handler

This enum defines the input type in a text input which for now only distinguishes a normal input from a password input

This enum defines the different kinds of key events that can happen.

Enum representing the alignment property of a BoxLayout or HorizontalLayout

PathEvent is a low-level data structure describing the composition of a path. Typically it is generated at compile time from a higher-level description, such as SVG commands.

Returned by the render() function on items to indicate whether the rendering of children should be handled by the caller, of if the item took care of that (for example through layer indirection)



Items are the nodes in the render tree. Note: Was generated from the #[vtable] macro on ItemVTable

Trait containing the associated constant relative to the trait Item.

Type Definitions

Alias for vtable::VRef<ItemVTable> which represent a pointer to a dyn Item with the associated vtable

Workarounds for cbindgen