Crate hyphenation[][src]

Expand description

A library for the hyphenation of UTF-8 strings


A typical import comprises the Hyphenator trait, the Standard dictionary type, and the Language enum. This exposes the crate’s core functionality, as well as the set of available languages.

extern crate hyphenation;

use hyphenation::{Hyphenator, Standard, Language};

To begin with, we must initiate the hyphenation dictionary for our working language. Dictionaries come bundled with the hyphenation crate, but they must still be loaded into memory. The most convenient way to do so is the Load trait.

use hyphenation::Load;

let path_to_dict = "/path/to/english-dictionary.bincode";
let en_us = Standard::from_path(Language::EnglishUS, path_to_dict) ?;

Our English dictionary can now be used as a Hyphenator.


As the primary interface of this library, hyphenators take care of identifying opportunities for hyphenation within individual words.

let hyphenated = en_us.hyphenate("anfractuous");

The hyphenate method computes the indices of valid word breaks and wraps them in a a small intermediate structure that can be further used to iterate over word segments.

let breaks = &hyphenated.breaks;
assert_eq!(breaks, &[2, 6, 8]);

let hyphenated_segments : Vec<&str>= hyphenated.iter().collect()
assert_eq!(hyphenated_segments, &["an-", "frac-", "tu-", "ous"]);

Both the Standard and Extended hyphenators are case-insensitive and prioritize existing soft hyphens (U+00AD) over dictionary hyphenation.

let word = "ribonuclease";
let word_shy = "ri\u{00ad}bo\u{00ad}nu\u{00ad}cle\u{00ad}ase";

let by_dictionary : Vec<&str> = en_us.hyphenate(word).into_iter().segments().collect();
let by_shy : Vec<&str> = en_us.hyphenate(word_shy).into_iter().segments().collect();

assert_eq!(by_dictionary, vec!["ri", "bonu", "cle", "ase"]);
assert_eq!(by_shy, vec!["ri", "\u{00ad}bo", "\u{00ad}nu", "\u{00ad}cle", "\u{00ad}ase"]);
assert_ne!(by_dictionary, by_shy);

Identifying “words”

Knuth–Liang hyphenation operates at the level of individual words, but there can be ambiguity as to what constitutes a word. All hyphenation dictionaries handle the expected set of word-forming graphemes from their respective alphabets, but some also accept punctuation marks such as hyphens and apostrophes, and are thus capable of handling hyphen-joined compound words or elisions. Even so, it’s generally preferable to handle punctuation at the level of segmentation, as it affords greater control over the final result (such as where to break hyphen-joined compounds, or whether to set a leading hyphen on new lines).


pub use hyphenator::Hyphenator;
pub use iter::Iter;
pub use load::Load;


Extended Knuth-Liang hyphenation

Methods for hyphenation dictionaries

Hyphenating iterators over strings.

Reading and loading hyphenation dictionaries

Evaluating potential hyphenation opportunities


A dictionary for standard Knuth–Liang hyphenation.


The set of languages available for hyphenation.