Module hyphenation::load[][src]

Expand description

Reading and loading hyphenation dictionaries

To hyphenate words in a given language, it is first necessary to load the relevant hyphenation dictionary into memory. This module offers convenience methods for common retrieval patterns, courtesy of the Load trait.

use hyphenation::Load;
use hyphenation::{Standard, Language};

The primary function of Load is to deserialize dictionaries from buffers – usually, file buffers.

use std::io;
use std::fs::File;

let path_to_dict = "/path/to/english-dictionary.bincode";
let dict_file = File::open(path_to_dict) ?;
let mut reader = io::BufReader::new(dict_file);
let english_us = Standard::from_reader(Language::EnglishUS, &mut reader) ?;

Dictionaries can be loaded from the file system rather more succintly with the from_path shorthand:

let path_to_dict = "/path/to/english-dictionary.bincode";
let english_us = Standard::from_path(Language::EnglishUS, path_to_dict) ?;

Dictionaries bundled with the hyphenation library are copied to Cargo’s output directory at build time. To locate them, look for a dictionaries folder under target:

$ find target -name "dictionaries"


Optionally, hyphenation dictionaries can be embedded in the compiled artifact by enabling the embed_all feature. Embedded dictionaries can be accessed directly from memory.

use hyphenation::{Standard, Language, Load};

let english_us = Standard::from_embedded(Language::EnglishUS) ?;

Note that embedding significantly increases the size of the compiled artifact.



Failure modes of dictionary loading.



Convenience methods for the retrieval of hyphenation dictionaries.

Type Definitions
