Module hyperx::header

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Headers container, and common header fields.

Why Typed?

Hyper has had the opinion that:

Headers should be strongly-typed, because that’s why we’re using Rust in the first place. Or, why not stringly-typed? Types give the following advantages:

  • More difficult to typo, since typos in types should be caught by the compiler
  • Parsing to a proper type by default

However, it seems that for many applications, it is sufficient to use http::header::HeaderMap (byte values) and parse only the headers that are of interest.

Parsing http::header::HeaderValues

With the default compat feature enabled, HeaderValue(s) implement the RawLike trait which allows for parsing with less copying than going through HeaderValue::to_str or the Raw type. See example usage below:

use http::header::{HeaderMap, CONTENT_ENCODING};
use hyperx::header::{ContentEncoding, Encoding, Header};

// Given a HeaderMap with 2 Content-Encoding headers and 3 delimited values
let mut hmap = HeaderMap::new();
hmap.insert(CONTENT_ENCODING, "chunked, gzip".parse()?);
hmap.append(CONTENT_ENCODING, "identity".parse()?);

// Parse the first header value
let first = hmap.get(CONTENT_ENCODING).unwrap();
let ce = ContentEncoding::parse_header(&first)?;
assert_eq!(ce, ContentEncoding(vec![Encoding::Chunked, Encoding::Gzip]));

// Parse all header values to a single list
let all = hmap.get_all(CONTENT_ENCODING);
let ce = ContentEncoding::parse_header(&all)?;
assert_eq!(ce, ContentEncoding(
    vec![Encoding::Chunked, Encoding::Gzip, Encoding::Identity]

Defining Custom Headers

Hyperx provides many of the most commonly used headers in HTTP. If you need to define a custom header, it’s easy to do while still taking advantage of the type system. Hyperx includes a header! macro for defining many wrapper-style headers.

use hyperx::header::Headers;
header! { (XRequestGuid, "X-Request-Guid") => [String] }

fn main () {
    let mut headers = Headers::new();

    headers.set(XRequestGuid("a proper guid".to_owned()))

This works well for simple “string” headers. If you need more control, you can implement the trait directly.

Implementing the Header trait

Consider a Do Not Track header. It can be true or false, but it represents that via the numerals 1 and 0.

use std::fmt;
use hyperx::header::{self, Header, RawLike};

#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
struct Dnt(bool);

impl Header for Dnt {
    fn header_name() -> &'static str {

    fn parse_header<'a, T>(raw: &'a T) -> hyperx::Result<Dnt>
    where T: RawLike<'a>
        if let Some(line) = {
            if line.len() == 1 {
                let byte = line[0];
                match byte {
                    b'0' => return Ok(Dnt(true)),
                    b'1' => return Ok(Dnt(false)),
                    _ => ()

    fn fmt_header(&self, f: &mut header::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
        let value = if self.0 {
        } else {


Utility functions for Header implementations.



Accept header, defined in RFC7231
Accept-Charset header, defined in RFC7231
Accept-Encoding header, defined in RFC7231
Accept-Language header, defined in RFC7231
Accept-Ranges header, defined in RFC7233
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header, part of CORS
Access-Control-Allow-Headers header, part of CORS
Access-Control-Allow-Methods header, part of CORS
Access-Control-Expose-Headers header, part of CORS
Access-Control-Max-Age header, part of CORS
Access-Control-Request-Headers header, part of CORS
Access-Control-Request-Method header, part of CORS
Allow header, defined in RFC7231
Authorization header, defined in RFC7235
Credential holder for Basic Authentication
Token holder for Bearer Authentication, most often seen with oauth
Cache-Control header, defined in RFC7234
Connection header, defined in RFC7230
A Content-Disposition header, (re)defined in RFC6266.
Content-Encoding header, defined in RFC7231
Content-Language header, defined in RFC7231
Content-Length header, defined in RFC7230
Content-Location header, defined in RFC7231
Content-Range header, defined in RFC7233
Content-Type header, defined in RFC7231
Cookie header, defined in RFC6265
Iterator for cookie.
Date header, defined in RFC7231
ETag header, defined in RFC7232
An entity tag, defined in RFC7232
Expires header, defined in RFC7234
A formatter used to serialize headers to an output stream.
Returned with the HeadersItems iterator.
A map of header fields on requests and responses.
An Iterator over the fields in a Headers map.
The Host header.
A timestamp with HTTP formatting and parsing
If-Modified-Since header, defined in RFC7232
If-Unmodified-Since header, defined in RFC7232
A language tag as described in BCP47.
Last-Event-ID header, defined in RFC3864
Last-Modified header, defined in RFC7232
The Link header, defined in RFC5988
A single link-value of a Link header, based on: RFC5988
Location header, defined in RFC7231
The Origin header.
Prefer header, defined in RFC7240
Preference-Applied header, defined in RFC7240
Protocols that appear in the Upgrade header field
Proxy-Authorization header, defined in RFC7235
Represents a quality used in quality values.
Represents an item with a quality value as defined in RFC7231.
A raw header value.
Referer header, defined in RFC7231
Server header, defined in RFC7231
Set-Cookie header, defined RFC6265
StrictTransportSecurity header, defined in RFC6797
TE header, defined in RFC7230
Transfer-Encoding header, defined in RFC7230
Upgrade header, defined in RFC7230
User-Agent header, defined in RFC7231
Iterator adaptor for HeaderValue
Warning header, defined in RFC7234


The Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header, part of CORS
Each Range::Bytes header can contain one or more ByteRangeSpecs. Each ByteRangeSpec defines a range of bytes to fetch
CacheControl contains a list of these directives.
A Mime charset.
Values that can be in the Connection header.
Content-Range, described in RFC7233
A parameter to the disposition type.
The implied disposition of the content of the HTTP body.
A value to represent an encoding used in Transfer-Encoding or Accept-Encoding header.
The Expect header.
If-Match header, defined in RFC7232
If-None-Match header, defined in RFC7232
If-Range header, defined in RFC7233
The Pragma header defined by HTTP/1.0.
Prefer contains a list of these preferences.
A protocol name used to identify a specific protocol. Names are case-sensitive except for the WebSocket value.
Range header, defined in RFC7233
Range Units, described in RFC7233
Referrer-Policy header, part of Referrer Policy
A Link Relation Type Enum based on: RFC5988
The Retry-After header.
Vary header, defined in RFC7231


A trait for any object that will represent a header field and value.
Trait for raw bytes parsing access to header values (aka lines) for a single header name.
An Authorization scheme to be used in the header.


Convenience function to create a Quality from a float or integer.
Convenience function to wrap a value in a QualityItem Sets q to the default 1.0