initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Error","Error returned after every call"],["MemPerm","Guest physical memory region permissions"],["VMXCap","VMX cabability"],["x86Reg","x86 architectural register"]],"fn":[["create_vm","Creates a VM instance for the current Mach task"],["destory_vm","Destroys the VM instance associated with the current Mach task"],["interrupt_vcpus","Forces an immediate VMEXIT of a set of vCPUs"],["map_mem","Maps a region in the virtual address space of the current Mach task into the guest physical address space of the virutal machine"],["protect_mem","Modifies the permissions of a region in the guest physical address space of the virtual machine"],["read_vmx_cap","Reads a VMX capability of the host processor"],["sync_tsc","Synchronizes the guest Timestamp-Counters (TSC) across all vCPUs"],["unmap_mem","Unmaps a region in the guest physical address space of the virutal machine"]],"mod":[["ffi","Bindings to the Hypervisor Framework"]],"struct":[["vCPU","Virtual CPU"]]});