[][src]Constant hygeia::constants::EXTRA_PACKAGES_FILENAME_CONTENT

pub const EXTRA_PACKAGES_FILENAME_CONTENT: &str = "# This file contains extra packages that will be installed\n# after a successful compilation of a Python toolchain\n# if-and-only-if the `--extra` flag is passed.\n# Empty lines and those starting with `#` are ignored.\n\n# Note: `pip` should probably appear first in the list as it\'s used\n#       to install the others.\npip\n\n# A tool for creating isolated \u{2018}virtual\u{2019} python environments.\nvirtualenv\n# For better Python packaging\nwheel\n# Required by Neovim plugins\nneovim\n\n# Packages used by VS Code for Python editing\nautopep8\npylint\nblack\nyapf\n\n# Better Python dependency and packaging tools\npipenv\npoetry";

Content of file listing extra pip packages to install, copied when setting-up shim.