Module hurl::http

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Various HTTP structures like requests, responses, cookies etc.

The Hurl HTTP engine is not public. It’s a wrapper around libcurl and only the models returned by an HTTP exchange are exposed.


  • Holds an HTTP request and the corresponding HTTP response. The request and responses are the runtime, evaluated data created by an HTTP exchange.
  • Cookie returned by the server with Set-Cookie header, and saved in the cookie storage of the internal HTTP engine.
  • Represents an HTTP header.
  • Represents an ordered list of Header. The headers are sorted by insertion order.
  • Represents a runtime HTTP request. This is a real request, that has been executed by our HTTP client. It’s different from crate::http::RequestSpec which is the request asked to be executed by our user. For instance, in the request spec, headers implicitly added by curl are not present, while they will be present in the Request instances.
  • Represents a runtime HTTP response. This is a real response, that has been executed by our HTTP client.
  • This module defines a HTTP ResponseCookie, namely the cookie returned from the response Set-Cookie header
  • Timing information for an HTTP transfer (see


