Crate huak

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A Python package manager written in Rust. The Cargo for Python.

⚠️ Disclaimer: huak is currently in its Alpha phase.

Huak aims to support a base workflow for developing Python packages and projects. The process is linear and purpose oriented, creating better familiarization with the steps.

The goal is to create an opinionated tool to support a reliably inviting onboarding experience for the Python ecosystem, that feels responsive and snappy to use.

Milestones and Project Board

See the milestone list to check the status of this project at any point in time.



A PoC, Alpha releases, and an 0.1.0 are expected.

During the Alpha phase you’ll need to explicitly install the latest pre-release available.

❯ cargo install huak --version

Around 0.1.0 you’ll be able to install huak using brew or pip. Distribution plans will be finalized closer to 0.1.0.

Shell completion


First, ensure that you install bash-completion using your package manager. After, add this to your ~/.bash_profile:

 eval "$(huak config completion bash)"

This shell is supported, but the suggestion as to how this should be added to your shell init file is missing.

If you are able to test this please head over to github and file an issue


Generate a completion script:

 huak config completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/

Open your profile script with:

 mkdir -Path (Split-Path -Parent $profile) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
 notepad $profile

Add the line and save the file:

 Invoke-Expression -Command $(huak config completion powershell| Out-String)

Generate a _huak completion script and put it somewhere in your $fpath:

 huak config completion zsh > /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_huak

Ensure that the following is present in your ~/.zshrc:

 autoload -U compinit
 compinit -i


Besides some of my own experience with the Python ecosystem, there are a few additional guiding principles steering the development of Huak:

1. Open to open source 📚

Open source has done a lot for me both from a tooling and professional development perspective. I’d love to offer Huak as a way to help onboard the absolute and relative newcomers (like myself).

2. Just use huak

I love Rust’s onboarding experience. Cargo has played a large role. It’s a great tool for newcomers to use to get their feet wet. Huak can provide the same experience for Python.

3. Fast ⚡️

There’s room for faster tooling in the Python ecosystem. One of the guiding principles will be “Is this the fastest it can be?”

4. Python 🤝 Rust

JavaScript has seen a “Going Rust” sub-community pop up. Python seems to be getting one too. Huak would be able to fuel contributions to the intersection of these two languages.


Please read our contributing guide before you start contributing.

Architecture and Design

This section is constantly changing while Huak is fresh.

As I become more comfortable with Rust and knowledgeable of the packaging domain, I’ll flesh out the general design for Huak more concretely. Until then, I want to leave its design open to influence.


Currently, this only covers high level influence for design of the project.

Linear project workflows

Huak enables and supports a standard process of developing. This process is linear. Iteration happens in sequential steps.

graph LR
    A[Project Bootstrap] --> B[Project Setup]
    B --> C[Project Change]
    C --> D[Project Test]
    D --> E[Project Distribution]
1. Project Bootstrap

Quick and easy initialization of a project with opinions on topics like structure and configuration.

2. Project Setup

Adding dependencies, various metadata, etc. The setup phase is vague but prepares the project for the following steps.

3. Project Change

A change is made to the project.

3. Project Test

The project is evaluated in some form.

4. Project Distribution

The project is distributed for use. This can be publishing to a registry or simply using it locally and executing within its context.

The Code

Currently, the project is structured using the following components:

├── bin           # CLI binary `huak`
│   ├── commands  # Application subcommand layer
│   │   └── ...
│   └── main      # Main application
└── huak          # Huak's library
    ├── config    # Configuration formats
    ├── env       # Environment contexts
    ├── ops       # Huak operation implementation layer
    ├── package   # Packaging logic
    ├── project   # The `Project` struct
    └── utils     # Library utilities


Configuration formats for structures and contexts.
Environments for different contexts.
CLI and generic errors.
Operations for projects, packaging, and environments.
Packaging namespace for the Huak application.
The Project implementation.
Huak utilities library.