[][src]Module httlib_huffman::decoder

Provides an implementation of the canonical Huffman decoder.

When an entity receives a header, for which it determines that it contains content encoded with the canonical Huffman algorithm, it has to decode this content in the shortest possible time with as few resources as possible. The execution speed of this “simple“ task will contribute significantly to the response time, and this time must be as short as possible.

Reading and decoding a sequence bit by bit appears to be inadequate performance-wise. Reading in buffered chunks outperforms reading bit by bit. The trick of fast Huffman decoding is reading N-bits at a time. Since we cannot determine how the seemingly “random” Huffman sequence corresponds to actual data, we use flattened Huffman tree matrix that enables decoding of N-bits at a time. This matrix is created by the flatten module.

Let's learn the decoded mechanics based on a simple matrix that allowsfor reading 2 bits at a time.


We'll be using a sequence of characters: A, D, and B.

ADE = 0010101

The Huffman sequence will be decoded by reading 2 bits at a time. Every reading begins at the root symbol //. First, we read the first two bits 00. In line one of the matrix at ID=0, we need to check where this code leads, or if it corresponds to any of the characters. Read bits lead to the second line with ID=1 and they represent the letter A.

The process is repeated for the next 2 bits 10. This code leads us to the line with ID=3 which doesn’t represent a character, so we continue the process for the next 2 bits 10. This code then leads us to line 5, representing the letter D. Here we can see that the value of the column LFT=1, meaning that there is a leftover 1. This means that in order to continue reading bits we have to shift to one bit back and continue the process there.

We position ourselves back to the root position while keeping the last bit 0, and keep reading until we reach the sum of 2 bits. This means that we need to read only 1 bit 1. Code 01 corresponds with character B and with this we conclude the decoding process.

00XXXXX => A
XX10XXX => continue
XXXX10X => D
XXXXX01 => B

With the use of the translation matrix we successfully decoded the Huffman sequence back into readable characters. This is how the decoder decodes literal values. The process is optimal, while it is best for web servers to read more bits at a time. Considering that the shortest Huffman code for an individual character is 5 bits long, it’s optimal, for the best ratio between speed and used resources, to read 4 bits at a time. More bits at a time mean faster decoding but at the same time a larger translation table and with it a higher memory footprint.





Contains error options that can be encountered while performing the decoding operations.


Provides available decoding speed options which represent the number of bits that the decoder can read at a time.



Decodes Huffman's src sequence into dst vector of bytes. The speed parameter is used to tell the encoder how many bits should be read and decoded at a time.