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#Lightweight HTML parser
extern crate htmlstream;
fn main() {
let html = "this is a test: <a href=\"http://rust-lang.org\">The Rust Programing Language</a>";
for (pos, tag) in htmlstream::tag_iter(html) {
println!("{:?} {:?}", pos, tag);
for (pos, attr) in htmlstream::attr_iter(&tag.attributes) {
println!(" {:?} {:?}", pos, attr);
Position { start: 0, end: 16 } HTMLTag { name: "", html: "this is a test: ", attributes: "", state: Text }
Position { start: 16, end: 47 } HTMLTag { name: "a", html: "<a href=\"http://rust-lang.org\">", attributes: "href=\"http://rust-lang.org\"", state: Opening }
Position { start: 0, end: 27 } HTMLTagAttribute { name: "href", value: "http://rust-lang.org" }
Position { start: 47, end: 75 } HTMLTag { name: "", html: "The Rust Programing Language", attributes: "", state: Text }
Position { start: 75, end: 79 } HTMLTag { name: "a", html: "</a>", attributes: "", state: Closing }
- The HTML tag
- The tag attribute
- The HTML source position
- The tag state
- Return a HTMLTagAttribute Iterator
- Return a HTMLTag Iterator