[][src]Function hpke::setup::setup_receiver

pub fn setup_receiver<A, Kdf, Kem>(
    mode: &OpModeR<Kem::Kex>,
    sk_recip: &<Kem::Kex as KeyExchange>::PrivateKey,
    encapped_key: &EncappedKey<Kem::Kex>,
    info: &[u8]
) -> Result<AeadCtxR<A, Kdf>, HpkeError> where
    A: Aead,
    Kdf: KdfTrait,
    Kem: KemTrait

Initiates an encryption context given a private key sk and an encapsulated key which was encapsulated to sk's corresponding public key

Return Value

On success, returns an encryption context. If an error happened during key exchange, returns Err(HpkeError::InvalidKeyExchange). This is the only possible error.