[][src]Crate hotmic

High-speed metrics collection library.

hotmic provides a generalized metrics collection library targeted at users who want to log metrics at high volume and high speed.


The library follows a pattern of "senders" and a "receiver."

Callers create a Receiver, which acts as a contained unit: metric registration, aggregation, and summarization. The Receiver is intended to be spawned onto a dedicated background thread.

From a Receiver, callers can create a Sink, which allows registering facets -- or interests -- in a given metric, along with sending the metrics themselves. All metrics need to be pre-registered, in essence, with the receiver, which allows us to know which aspects of a metric to track: count, value, or percentile.

A Sink can be cheaply cloned and does not require a mutable reference to send metrics, and so callers have great flexibility in being able to control their resource consumption when it comes to sinks. Receiver also allows configuring the capacity of the underlying channels to finely tune resource consumption.

Being based on [crossbeam-channel] allows us to process close to five million metrics per second on a single core, with very low ingest latencies: 325-350ns on average at full throughput.


hotmic supports counters, gauges, and histograms.

A counter is a single value that can be updated with deltas to increase or decrease the value. This would be your typical "messages sent" or "database queries executed" style of metric, where the value changes over time.

A gauge is also a single value but does not support delta updates. When a gauge is set, the value sent becomes the value of the gauge. Gauges can be useful for metrics that measure a point-in-time value, such as "connected clients" or "running queries". While those metrics could also be represented by a count, gauges can be simpler in cases where you're already computing and storing the value, and simply want to expose it in your metrics.

A histogram tracks the distribution of values: how many values were between 0-5, between 6-10, etc. This is the canonical way to measure latency: the time spent running a piece of code or servicing an operation. By keeping track of the individual measurements, we can better see how many are slow, fast, average, and in what proportions.

use hotmic::Receiver;
use std::{thread, time::Duration};
let receiver = Receiver::builder().build();
let sink = receiver.get_sink();

// We can update a counter.  Counters are signed, and can be updated either with a delta, or
// can be incremented and decremented with the [`Sink::increment`] and [`Sink::decrement`].
sink.update_count("widgets", 5);
sink.update_count("widgets", -3);

// We can update a gauge.  Gauges are unsigned, and hold on to the last value they were updated
// to, so you need to track the overall value on your own.
sink.update_gauge("red_balloons", 99);

// We can update a timing histogram.  For timing, you also must measure the start and end
// time using the built-in `Clock` exposed by the sink.  The receiver internally converts the
// raw values to calculate the actual wall clock time (in nanoseconds) on your behalf, so you
// can't just pass in any old number.. otherwise you'll get erroneous measurements!
let start = sink.clock().start();
let end = sink.clock().end();
let rows = 42;

// This would just set the timing:
sink.update_timing("db.gizmo_query", start, end);

// This would set the timing and also let you provide a customized count value.  Being able to
// specify a count is handy when tracking things like the time it took to execute a database
// query, along with how many rows that query returned:
sink.update_timing_with_count("db.gizmo_query", start, end, rows);

// Finally, we can update a value histogram.  Technically speaking, value histograms aren't
// fundamentally different from timing histograms.  If you use a timing histogram, we do the
// math for you of getting the time difference, and we make sure the metric name has the right
// unit suffix so you can tell it's measuring time, but other than that, nearly identical!
let buf_size = 4096;
sink.update_value("buf_size", buf_size);


Metrics can be scoped, not unlike loggers, at the Sink level. This allows sinks to easily nest themselves without callers ever needing to care about where they're located.

This feature is a simpler approach to tagging: while not as semantically rich, it provides the level of detail necessary to distinguish a single metric between multiple callsites.

An important thing to note is: registered metrics are only good for the scope they were registered at. If you create a scoped Sink, you must register, or reregister, the metrics you will be sending to it.

For example, after getting a Sink from the Receiver, we can easily nest ourselves under the root scope and then send some metrics:

use hotmic::Receiver;
let receiver = Receiver::builder().build();

// This sink has no scope aka the root scope.  The metric will just end up as "widgets".
let root_sink = receiver.get_sink();
root_sink.update_count("widgets", 42);

// This sink is under the "secret" scope.  Since we derived ourselves from the root scope,
// we're not nested under anything, but our metric name will end up being "secret.widgets".
let scoped_sink = root_sink.scoped("secret");
scoped_sink.update_count("widgets", 42);

// This sink is under the "supersecret" scope, but we're also nested!  The metric name for this
// sample will end up being "secret.supersecret.widget".
let scoped_sink_two = scoped_sink.scoped("supersecret");
scoped_sink_two.update_count("widgets", 42);

// Sinks retain their scope even when cloned, so the metric name will be the same as above.
let cloned_sink = scoped_sink_two.clone();
cloned_sink.update_count("widgets", 42);

// This sink will be nested two levels deeper than its parent by using a slightly different
// input scope: scope can be a single string, or multiple strings, which is interpreted as
// nesting N levels deep.
// This metric name will end up being "super.secret.ultra.special.widgets".
let scoped_sink_three = scoped_sink.scoped(&["super", "secret", "ultra", "special"]);
scoped_sink_two.update_count("widgets", 42);



A configuration builder for Receiver.


Dedicated handle for performing operations on a running Receiver.


Metrics receiver which aggregates and processes samples.


Handle for sending metric samples into the receiver.


A point-in-time view of metric data.



Erorrs during sink creation.