

Header for an agent validation package, used to determine whether an agent is allowed to participate in this DNA

Information about a class of Entries provided by the DNA

When migrating to a new version of a DNA, this header is committed to the old chain to declare the migration path taken. Currently unused

A header which “speaks” Entry content into being. The same content can be referenced by multiple such headers.

Declares that a metadata Link should be made between two EntryHashes

Declare that a previously published Header should be nullified and considered deleted.

Placeholder for future when we want to have deletes on headers Not currently in use.

Declares that a previously made Link should be nullified and considered removed.

The Dna Header is always the first header in a source chain

A header which declares that all zome init functions have successfully completed, and the chain is ready for commits. Contains no explicit data.

When migrating to a new version of a DNA, this header is committed to the new chain to declare the migration path taken. Currently unused

A header which specifies that some new Entry content is intended to be an update to some old Entry.

Placeholder for future when we want to have updates on headers Not currently in use.

this id is an internal reference, which also serves as a canonical ordering for zome initialization. The value should be auto-generated from the Zome Bundle def


Allows Headers which reference Entries to know what type of Entry it is referencing. Useful for examining Headers without needing to fetch the corresponding Entries.

Header contains variants for each type of header.

A unit enum which just maps onto the different Header variants, without containing any extra data


Any header with a header_seq less than this value is part of an element created during genesis. Anything with this seq or higher was created after genesis.


Builder for non-genesis Headers

A trait to specify the common parts of a Header

Type Definitions