Crate holochain_state

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The Holochain state crate provides helpers and abstractions for working with the holochain_sqlite crate.


The main abstraction for creating data read queries is the Query trait. This can be implemented to make constructing complex queries easier.

The source_chain module provides the SourceChain type, which is the abstraction for working with chains of actions.

The host_fn_workspace module provides abstractions for reading data during workflows.


The mutations module is the complete set of functions for writing data to sqlite in holochain.


The scratch module provides the Scratch type for reading and writing data in memory that is not visible anywhere else.

The SourceChain type uses the Scratch for in-memory operations which can be flushed to the database.

The Query trait allows combining arbitrary database SQL queries with the scratch space so reads can union across the database and in-memory data.

