Constant holochain_sqlite::sql::sql_cell::FETCH_OPS_BY_REGION

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pub const FETCH_OPS_BY_REGION: &str = "SELECT\n  DhtOp.hash,\n  DhtOp.type,\n  Action.blob AS action_blob,\n  Entry.blob AS entry_blob\nFROM\n  DhtOp\n  JOIN Action ON DhtOp.action_hash = Action.hash\n  LEFT JOIN Entry ON Action.entry_hash = Entry.hash\nWHERE\n  (\n    (\n      -- non-wrapping case: everything within the given range\n      :storage_start_loc <= :storage_end_loc\n      AND (\n        storage_center_loc >= :storage_start_loc\n        AND storage_center_loc <= :storage_end_loc\n      )\n    )\n    OR (\n      -- wrapping case: everything *outside* the given range\n      :storage_start_loc > :storage_end_loc\n      AND (\n        storage_center_loc <= :storage_end_loc\n        OR storage_center_loc >= :storage_start_loc\n      )\n    )\n  ) -- op timestamp is within temporal bounds\n  AND (\n    authored_timestamp >= :timestamp_min\n    AND authored_timestamp <= :timestamp_max\n  ) -- ops are integrated, i.e. not in limbo\n  AND DhtOp.when_integrated IS NOT NULL\n";