Expand description

A Conductor is a dynamically changing group of Cells.

A Conductor can be managed:

In normal use cases, a single Holochain user runs a single Conductor in a single process. However, there’s no reason we can’t have multiple Conductors in a single process, simulating multiple users in a testing environment.

async fn async_main () {
use holochain_state::test_utils::test_db_dir;
use holochain::conductor::{Conductor, ConductorBuilder};
let env_dir = test_db_dir();
let conductor: Conductor = ConductorBuilder::new()
   .test(env_dir.path(), &[])

// conductors are cloneable
let conductor2 = conductor.clone();

assert_eq!(conductor.list_dnas(), vec![]);


  • A sync RwLock that uses closures to avoid deadlocks.


  • A Conductor is a group of Cells
  • A configurable Builder for Conductor and sometimes ConductorHandle
  • A clonable thread safe read write lock designed to make it hard to create dead locks or hold long long lived locks.


  • The status of an installed Cell, which captures different phases of its lifecycle


Type Definitions