Expand description

Countersigned entries involve preflights between many agents to build a session that is part of the entry.


  • Every countersigning agent must sign against their chain state. The chain must be frozen until each agent decides to sign or exit the session.
  • All the data required for a countersigning session.
  • Every countersigning session must complete a full set of actions between the start and end times to be valid.
  • Base data for Create actions.
  • Every preflight request can have optional arbitrary bytes that can be agreed to.
  • The same PreflightRequest is sent to every agent. Each agent signs this data as part of their PreflightResponse. Every preflight must be identical and signed by every agent for a session to be valid.
  • Every agent must send back a preflight response. All the preflight response data is signed by each agent and included in the session data.
  • Agents can have a role specific to each countersigning session. The role is app defined and opaque to the subconscious.
  • Base data for Update actions.


  • Enum to mirror Action for all the shared data required to build session actions. Does NOT hold any agent specific information.
  • Errors related to the secure primitive macro.
  • A preflight request can be accepted, or invalid, or valid but the local agent cannot accept it.


  • 8 seems like a reasonable limit of agents to countersign.
  • Need at least two to countersign.
  • The timestamps on actions for a session use this offset relative to the session start time. This makes it easier for agents to accept a preflight request with actions that are after their current chain top, after network latency.
  • Maximum time in the future the session start can be in the opinion of the participating agent. As the action will be SESSION_ACTION_TIME_OFFSET after the session start we include that here.

Type Definitions