Module holochain::prelude::entry

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An Entry is a unit of data in a Holochain Source Chain.

This module contains all the necessary definitions for Entry, which broadly speaking refers to any data which will be written into the ContentAddressableStorage, or the EntityAttributeValueStorage. It defines serialization behaviour for entries. Here you can find the complete list of entry_types, and special entries, like deletion_entry and cap_entry.


Newtype for the bytes comprising an App entry
The location of an app entry definition.
Zome input to create an entry.
Zome input for all delete operations.
Zome input for get and get_details calls.
Options for controlling how get works
Zome input for must_get_action.
Zome input for must_get_entry.
Zome input for must_get_valid_record.
Zome input type for all update operations.


Structure holding the entry portion of a chain record.
Either an EntryDefIndex or one of:
Errors involving app entry creation
Describes the get call and what information the caller is concerned about. This helps the subconscious avoid unnecessary network calls.


Entries larger than this number of bytes cannot be created


Helper trait for deserializing Entrys to the correct type.


Helpful pattern for debug formatting many bytes. If the size is > 32 bytes, only the first 8 and last 8 bytes will be displayed.

Type Definitions

The data type written to the source chain to denote a capability claim
The data type written to the source chain when explicitly granting a capability. NB: this is not simply CapGrant, because the CapGrant::ChainAuthor grant is already implied by Entry::Agent, so that should not be committed to a chain. This is a type alias because if we add other capability types in the future, we may want to include them
An Entry paired with its EntryHash