Expand description

Types subcrate for kitsune-p2p.


Data structures to be stored in the agent/peer database.
utility for lazy init-ing things
Binary types, hashes, signatures, etc used by kitsune.
Types for the bootstrap server
Encoding / Decoding utilities.
Combinator functions, for more easeful functional programming
Kitsune Config Tuning Params
Types used for consistency checking during tests or dht health checks. These types describe a protocol that can be implemented to gather statistics on data consistency. This is a first prototype so expect this to change.
Re-exported dependencies.
Defines the structure of the DHT, the objects which inhabit it, and the operations on these objects.
Utilities for helping with metric tracking.
ReverseSemaphore allow waiting for all permits to be released.
Task Aggregation helper utility
TLS utils for kitsune
Next-gen performance kitsune transport abstractions


DSL-style macro for generating a serialization protocol message enum.


Kitsune Backoff
Error related to remote communication.
Kitsune Timeout
Wrapper around CertDigest that provides some additional debugging helpers.


Item Type for auto_stream_select function.
Error related to remote communication.


Extension trait for working with CertDigests.


Merge two sub-streams so they can be polled in parallel, but still know when each individually ends, unlike futures::stream::select()
Helper function for the common case of returning this boxed future type.
Helper function for the common case of returning this boxed future type.
Monotonically nondecreasing process tick count, backed by tokio::time::Instant as an i64 to facilitate reference times that may be less than the first call to this function. The returned value is on the scale of microseconds.
Get the elapsed process count duration from a captured ProcCount to now. If the duration would be negative, this fn returns a zero Duration.
Helper function for the common case of returning this nested Unit type.

Type Definitions

32 byte binary TLS certificate digest.
Result type for remote communication.
Typedef for result of proc_count_now(). This value is on the scale of microseconds.