Expand description

Defines the core Holochain workflows


Include nice string encoding methods and From impls

HoloHash Error Type.

Defines the prefixes for the various HashTypes, as well as the traits which unify them

Manages the spawning of tasks which process the various work queues in the system, as well as notifying subsequent queue processors to pick up the work that was left off.

A Ribosome is a structure which knows how to execute hApp code.

Workflows are the core building block of Holochain functionality.


Helper for ensuring the the proper number of bytes is used in various situations

A default HashableContent implementation, suitable for content which is already TryInto, and uses a PrimitiveHashType


A newtype for a collection of EntryHashes, needed for some wasm return types.

A HoloHash contains a vector of 36 bytes representing a 32-byte blake2b hash plus 4 bytes representing a DHT location. It also contains a zero-sized type which specifies what it is a hash of.

A wrapper around HoloHash that Serializes into a base64 string rather than a raw byte array.

Represents some piece of content along with its hash representation, so that hashes need not be calculated multiple times. Provides an easy constructor which consumes the content.

Allows you to send an op to the incoming_dht_ops_workflow if you found it on the network and were supposed to be holding it.

A microsecond-precision UTC timestamp for use in Holochain’s actions.


The primitive hash types represented by this composite hash

The primitive hash types represented by this composite hash

HashableContent can be expressed as “content”, or “prehashed”, which affects how a HoloHashed type will be constructed from it.


Length of the core bytes (32)

Length of the full HoloHash bytes (39 = 3 + 32 + 4)

Length of the location bytes (4)

Length of the prefix bytes (3)

Length of the core bytes + the loc bytes (36 = 32 + 4), i.e. everything except the type prefix

16mb limit on Entries due to websocket limits. Consider splitting large entries up.

The maximum size to hash synchronously. Anything larger than this will take too long to hash within a single tokio context

1kb limit on LinkTags. Tags are used as keys to the database to allow fast lookup so they should be small.


Anything which has an owned HoloHashOf.

Every HoloHash is generic over HashType. Additionally, every HashableContent has an associated HashType. The HashType is the glue that binds together HashableContent with its hash.

Any implementor of HashableContent may be used in a HoloHashed to pair data with its HoloHash representation. It also has an associated HashType.

Adds convenience methods for constructing HoloHash and HoloHashed from some HashableContent

Adds convenience methods for constructing HoloHash and HoloHashed from some HashableContent

A PrimitiveHashType is one with a multihash prefix. In contrast, a non-primitive hash type could be one of several primitive types, e.g. an AnyDhtHash can represent one of three primitive types.


Verify the author key was valid at the time of signing with dpki TODO: This is just a stub until we have dpki.

If we are not holding this entry then retrieve any record at this EntryHash and send it as a StoreEntry DhtOp to our incoming_dht_ops_workflow.

If we are not holding this action then retrieve it and send it as a RegisterAddLink DhtOp to our incoming_dht_ops_workflow.

If we are not holding this action then retrieve it and send it as a RegisterAgentActivity DhtOp to our incoming_dht_ops_workflow.

If we are not holding this action then retrieve it and send it as a StoreEntry DhtOp to our incoming_dht_ops_workflow.

If we are not holding this action then retrieve it and send it as a StoreRecord DhtOp to our incoming_dht_ops_workflow.

Check the AppEntryType is valid for the zome. Check the EntryDefId and ZomeId are in range.

Check if there are other actions at this sequence number

Verify that the signature on a preflight request is valid.

Verify all the countersigning session data together.

Verify the countersigning session contains the specified action.

Check the actions entry hash matches the hash of the entry

Check the entry size is under the MAX_ENTRY_SIZE

Check the entry variant matches the variant in the actions entry type

Check the action should have an entry. Is either a Create or Update

Check the app entry type isn’t private for store entry

Check that previous action makes sense for this action. If not Dna then cannot be root of chain and must have previous action

Check the previous action is one less than the current

Check previous action timestamp is before this action

Placeholder for future spam check. Check action timestamps don’t exceed MAX_PUBLISH_FREQUENCY

Check the link tag size is under the MAX_TAG_SIZE

Check a Update’s entry type is the same for original and new entry.

Check that Dna actions are only added to empty source chains

internal PARSE for holo hash REPR

internal PARSE for holo hash REPR

internal REPR for holo hash

Validate a chain of actions with an optional starting point.

Verify the signature for this action

Type Definitions

The hash of an action

Base64-ready version of ActionHash

An Agent public signing key. Not really a hash, more of an “identity hash”.

Base64-ready version of AgentPubKey

The hash of anything referrable in the DHT. This is a composite of either an EntryHash or a ActionHash

Base64-ready version of AnyDhtHash

The hash of anything linkable.

Base64-ready version of AnyLinkableHash

The hash of a DhtOp’s “unique form” representation

Base64-ready version of DhtOpHash

The hash of a DnaDef

Base64-ready version of DnaHash

The hash of an Entry.

Base64-ready version of EntryHash

The hash of some external data that can’t or doesn’t exist on the DHT.

Base64-ready version of ExternalHash

A convenience type, for specifying a hash by HashableContent rather than by its HashType

The hash of a network ID

Base64-ready version of NetIdHash

The hash of some wasm bytecode

Base64-ready version of WasmHash