[][src]Function hm::get_task_batches

pub fn get_task_batches(
    nodes: HashMap<String, ManagedObject>
) -> Result<Vec<Vec<ManagedObject>>, HMError>

Create a non-cyclical dependency graph and give it back as a Vec<Vec<ManagedObject>>. Will return a CyclicalDependencyError if the graph is unsolveable. Intended to be used with either mgmt::execute_solution or mgmt::send_tasks_off_to_college.


let (rx, tx) = mpsc::channel();
let p = ProgressBar::new_spinner();
let v: Vec<Vec<ManagedObject>> = get_task_batches(nodes);
for a in v {
  for b in a {
    mgmt::send_tasks_off_to_college(&b, &tx, p);