initSidebarItems({"enum":[["LuaError","Error that can happen when executing Lua code."]],"fn":[["function0","Wraps a type that implements `FnMut` so that it can be used by hlua."],["function1","Wraps a type that implements `FnMut` so that it can be used by hlua."],["function10","Wraps a type that implements `FnMut` so that it can be used by hlua."],["function2","Wraps a type that implements `FnMut` so that it can be used by hlua."],["function3","Wraps a type that implements `FnMut` so that it can be used by hlua."],["function4","Wraps a type that implements `FnMut` so that it can be used by hlua."],["function5","Wraps a type that implements `FnMut` so that it can be used by hlua."],["function6","Wraps a type that implements `FnMut` so that it can be used by hlua."],["function7","Wraps a type that implements `FnMut` so that it can be used by hlua."],["function8","Wraps a type that implements `FnMut` so that it can be used by hlua."],["function9","Wraps a type that implements `FnMut` so that it can be used by hlua."]],"macro":[["implement_lua_push!",""],["implement_lua_read!",""]],"mod":[["any",""],["functions_read",""],["lua_tables",""],["userdata",""]],"struct":[["Function","Opaque type containing a Rust function or closure."],["InsideCallback","Opaque type that represents the Lua context when inside a callback."],["Lua","Main object of the library."],["LuaContext","Opaque type that contains the raw Lua context."],["PushGuard","RAII guard for a value pushed on the stack."]],"trait":[["AsLua","Trait for objects that have access to a Lua context. When using a context returned by a `AsLua`, you are not allowed to modify the stack."],["AsMutLua","Trait for objects that have access to a Lua context. You are allowed to modify the stack, but it must be in the same state as it was when you started."],["LuaRead","Types that can be obtained from a Lua context."],["Push","Types that can be given to a Lua context, for example with `lua.set()` or as a return value of a function."]]});