[][src]Module hime_redist::text

Module for text-handling APIs



Represents the input of parser with some metadata for line endings All line numbers and column numbers are 1-based. Indices in the content are 0-based.


Represents the context description of a position in a piece of text. A context is composed of two pieces of text, the line content and the pointer. For example, given the piece of text:


Represents a position in term of line and column in a text input


Represents a span of text in an input as a starting index and length

Type Definitions


Utf16C represents a single UTF-16 code unit. A UTF-16 code unit is always represented as a 16 bits unsigned integer. UTF-16 code units may not represent by themselves valid Unicode code points (characters). A Unicode code point (a character) is a 32-bits unsigned integer in the ranges: U+0000 to U+D7FF and U+E000 to U+FFFF and U+10000 to U+10FFFF. Unicode code points in the range U+D800 to U+DFFF are reserved and cannot be used. UTF-16 can be used to encode a single Unicode code point in either one or two UTF-16 code units.