pub unsafe extern "C" fn Highs_getBasisInverseRow(
    highs: *const c_void,
    row: HighsInt,
    row_vector: *mut f64,
    row_num_nz: *mut HighsInt,
    row_index: *mut HighsInt
) -> HighsInt
Expand description

Get a row of the inverse basis matrix B^{-1}.

See Highs_getBasicVariables for a description of the B matrix.

The arrays row_vector and row_index must have an allocated length of [num_row]. However, check row_num_nz to see how many non-zero elements are actually stored.

@param highs A pointer to the Highs instance. @param row The index of the row to compute. @param row_vector An array of length [num_row] in which to store the values of the non-zero elements. @param row_num_nz The number of non-zeros in the row. @param row_index An array of length [num_row] in which to store the indices of the non-zero elements.

@returns A kHighsStatus constant indicating whether the call succeeded.