[][src]Function hierarchical_pathfinding::generics::graph::a_star_search

pub fn a_star_search<Id: Copy + Eq + Hash, NeighborIter: Iterator<Item = (Id, Cost)>>(
    get_all_neighbors: impl FnMut(Id) -> NeighborIter,
    is_walkable: impl FnMut(Id) -> bool,
    start: Id,
    goal: Id,
    heuristic: impl FnMut(Id) -> Cost
) -> Option<Path<Id>>

Searches a Graph using the A* Algorithm.

The Generic type Parameter Id is supposed to uniquely identify a Node in the Graph. This may be a Number, String, a Grid position, ... as long as it can be compared, hashed and copied. Note that it is advised to choose a short representation for the Id, since it will be copied several times.


Basic usage:

// A     B--2--E
// |\     
// | \    
// 1  9   
// |   \  
// |    \
// C--6--D
let (A, B, C, D, E) = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4);
let cost_matrix: [[i32; 5]; 5] = [
//    A,  B,  C,  D,  E
	[-1, -1,  1,  9, -1], // A
	[-1, -1, -1, -1,  2], // B
	[ 1, -1, -1,  6, -1], // C
	[ 9, -1,  6, -1, -1], // D
	[-1,  2, -1, -1, -1], // E

let result = a_star_search(
	|point| { // get_all_neighbors
			.filter(|&(_, cost)| *cost != -1)
			.map(|(id, cost)| (id, *cost as usize))
	|_| true, // is_walkable
	A, // start
	D, // goal
	|point| euclid_distance(point, D), // heuristic

let path = result.unwrap();

assert_eq!(path, vec![A, C, D]);
assert_eq!(path.cost(), 7);

If the Goal cannot be reached, None is returned:

// ...
    A, // start
    E, // goal
	|point| euclid_distance(point, E), // heuristic

assert_eq!(result, None);

Solid Goals

It is possible to calculate the shortest Path to for example a Wall and other non-walkable Nodes using this function. To do that, simply supply a Function to the is_walkable Parameter that returns false for Nodes that should not be used as part of an actual Path. If there are no such Nodes in the Graph, is_walkable may simply be set to |_| true.
In the case that a Path to a non-walkable Goal is requested, the neighbor of that Goal with the shortest Path from the Start is returned, if any is reachable. "neighbor" in this context is a Node for which get_all_neighbors contains the Goal.


  • get_all_neighbors - a Function that takes a Node and returns all other Nodes reachable from that Node. The returned value is a Tuple of the Id of the neighbor and the Cost to get there.
  • is_walkable - a Function that determines if a Node can be walked over. see Solid Goals for more info
  • start - the starting Node
  • goal - the Goal that this function is supposed to search for
  • heuristic - the Heuristic Function of the A* Algorithm


the Path, if one was found, or None if the goal is unreachable. The first Node in the Path is always the start and the last is the goal