Crate hi_sparse_bitset

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Hierarchical sparse bitset.

Memory consumption does not depend on max index inserted.

Level0       128bit SIMD                                             
            ┌           ┐  │  ┌                      ┐               
Level1  Vec │128bit SIMD│  ┃  │      128bit SIMD     │               
            │ [u16;128] │  ┃  │[u16;7]/Box<[u16;128]>│               
            └           ┘  │  └                      ┘               
            ┌           ┐                                            
Data    Vec │128bit SIMD│                                            
            └           ┘                                            
                       1 0 1   ...   1  ◀══ bit-mask                 
Level0                 □ Ø □         □  ◀══ index-pointers           
                    ╭──╯   ╰──────╮  ╰───────────────────╮           
          1 0 0 1   ▽             ▽   1                  ▽           
Level1    □ Ø Ø □  ...           ...  □  ...                         
        ┗━│━━━━━│━━━━━━━┛     ┗━━━━━━━│━━━━━━┛    ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛   
          ╰──╮  ╰─────────────────╮   ╰───────────────╮              
             ▽                    ▽                   ▽              
Data     1 0 0 0 1 ...       0 0 1 1 0 ...       0 1 0 1 0 ...    ...
       ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛   ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛   ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛

The very structure of BitSet acts as acceleration structure for intersection operation. All operations are incredibly fast - see benchmarks. (insert/contains in “traditional bitset” ballpark, intersection/union - orders of magnitude faster)

It is multi-level structure. Last level contains actual bit-data. Each previous level have bitmask, where each bit corresponds to !is_empty of bitblock in next level.

In addition to “non-empty-marker” bitmasks, there is pointers(indices) to non-empty blocks in next level. In this way, only blocks with actual data allocated.

For inter-bitset operations, for example intersection:

  • root level bitmasks AND-ed.
  • resulting bitmask traversed for bits with 1.
  • indexes of bits with 1, used for getting pointers to the next level for each bitset.
  • repeat for next level until the data level, then for each next 1 bit in each level.

Bitmasks allow to cutoff empty tree/hierarchy branches early for intersection operation, and traverse only actual data during iteration.

In addition to this, during the inter-bitset operation, level1 blocks of bitsets are cached for faster access. Empty blocks are skipped and not added to the cache container, which algorithmically speeds up bitblock computations at the data level. This has observable effect in a merge operation between N non-intersecting bitsets: without this optimization - the data level bitmask would be OR-ed N times; with it - only once.


SmallBitSet is like BitSet, but have significantly lower memory footprint on sparse sets. If not some performance overhead - that would be the one and only container in this lib.


Max index BitSet can hold, depends on used bitblocks capacity. The bigger the bitblocks - the higher BitSet index range. The lower - the smaller memory footprint it has.

Max index for 64bit blocks = 262_144; for 256bit blocks = 16_777_216.

Use BitSet with predefined config:

type BitSet = hi_sparse_bitset::BitSet<hi_sparse_bitset::config::_128bit>;

§Inter-bitset operations

Inter-bitset operations can be applied between ANY BitSetInterface. Output of inter-bitset operations are lazy bitsets(which are BitSetInterfaces too). This means that you can combine different operations however you want without ever materializing them into actual BitSet.

Use reduce() to apply inter-bitset operation between elements of bitsets iterator.

Use apply() to apply inter-bitset operation between two bitsets. Also &, |, ^, -.

You can define your own inter-bitset operation, by implementing BitSetOp.


BitSetInterface iterators can return cursor(), pointing to the current iterator position. You can use Cursor to move ANY BitSetInterface iterator to it’s position with move_to.

You can also build cursor from index.


BitSetInterface iterators have for_each specialization and stable try_for_each version - traverse. For tight loops, traversing is observably faster then iterating.


TrustedHierarchy means that each raised bit in hierarchy bitblock is guaranteed to correspond to non-empty block. That may be not true for difference and symmetric difference operation result.

You can check if bitset has TrustedHierarchy with BitSetBase::TRUSTED_HIERARCHY.

Bitsets with TrustedHierarchy are faster to compare with Eq and have O(1) is_empty().


You can iterate DataBlocks instead of individual indices. DataBlocks can be moved, cloned and iterated for indices.

§Custom bitsets

You can make your own bitsets - like generative sets (empty, full), specially packed sets (range-fill), adapters, etc. See internals module. You need impl feature for that.

§CPU extensions

Library uses popcnt/count_ones and tzcnt/trailing_zeros heavily. Make sure you compile with hardware support of these (on x86: target-feature=+popcnt,+bmi1).


128 and 256 bit configurations use SIMD, powered by wide. Make sure you compile with simd support enabled (on x86: sse2 for _128bit, avx for _256bit) to achieve best performance. sse2 enabled by default in Rust for most desktop environments

If you want to use other SIMD types/registers - see internals module. If you don’t need “wide” configurations, you may disable default feature simd.




