Crate hexhex

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hexhex 🪄 hexadecimal conversion


  • Display bytes as hex with no (heap) allocations
  • Convert bytes to hex String
  • Convert hex &str or &[u8] to a new byte vector
  • Convert hex &str or &[u8] to bytes in a preallocated buffer
  • Macro for all your compile-time hex to bytes conversion needs
  • #![no_std] support for a subset of the above
  • No runtime panics (except for internal bugs)


use hexhex::hex;
let bytes = [0xc0, 0xff, 0xee];
println!("{}", hex(&bytes)); // no allocations, prints "c0ffee"

Or if you want more control:

use hexhex::{Hex, Case};
let bytes = [0xc0, 0xff, 0xee];
println!("{}", Hex::new(&bytes).with_prefix(true).with_case(Case::Upper)); // no allocations, prints "0xC0FFEE"

Encode to String

Hex implements the core::fmt::Display trait, so conversion to string is as easy as:

use hexhex::Hex;
let bytes = [0xc0, 0xff, 0xee];
let hex = Hex::new(&bytes).to_string();
assert_eq!(hex, "c0ffee");

One perhaps surprising conversion is that of an empty byte slice when prefixes are enabled:

use hexhex::Hex;
assert_eq!(Hex::new(b"").with_prefix(true).to_string(), "0x");

Decoding (no allocations)

use hexhex::decode_to_buf_exact;
let hex = "0xc0fFEe";
let mut buf = [0u8; 3];
assert!(decode_to_buf_exact(hex, &mut buf).is_ok());
assert_eq!(buf, [0xc0, 0xff, 0xee]);

There are some other variants, check the list of functions to see them all. The ascii variants take byte strings (&[u8]) which need not contain ASCII or UTF-8 (however, only valid ASCII can be valid hex strings).

Decoding (std)

#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use hexhex::decode;
assert_eq!(&decode("c0ffee").unwrap(), &[0xc0, 0xff, 0xee]);
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use hexhex::decode_ascii;
assert_eq!(&decode_ascii(b"c0ffee").unwrap(), &[0xc0, 0xff, 0xee]);


use hexhex::hex_literal;
let bytes: &[u8; 3] = hex_literal!("0xc0ffee");
assert_eq!(bytes, &[0xc0, 0xff, 0xee]);

Malformed hex strings will cause a compile-time error:

use hexhex::hex_literal;
let bytes = hex_literal!("c0f"); // odd number of hex digits is invalid

The macro is a proc-macro, not a declarative macro; it can be used in a match arm:

use hexhex::hex_literal;
let x = &[0x12, 0x34];
match x {
    hex_literal!("1234") => {},
    _ => panic!(),

Feature flags

  • std (enabled by default): Enables functionality that makes use of std. With this flag disabled, the crate is #![no_std] compatible.


  • Convert a hex literal (string or byte string) to bytes at compile time.


  • Represents an error encountered while decoding a hex string
  • Wrapper struct to display bytes as hex

