Module hexe_core::square [] [src]

A chess board square and its components.

A chess board is comprised of sixty-four squares ranging from A1 through H8. Each square has two components:

  • File: a column represented by a letter from A through F
  • Rank: a row represented by a number from 1 through 8


Basic usage:

use hexe_core::square::{Square, File, Rank};

let f = File::B;
let r = Rank::Seven;
let sq = Square::B7;

assert_eq!(sq, Square::new(f, r));

Square is an enum so that we can safely and conveniently index into tables of sixty-four elements. Because the optimizer knows that the index will never be greater than 64, the bounds check gets removed, thus making lookups fast.

static TABLE: [T; 64] = [
    /* ... */

pub fn get_value(sq: Square) -> T {
    // Will never panic
    TABLE[sq as usize]



The error returned when Square::from_str fails.



A file (or column) for a chess board.


A rank (or row) for a chess board.


A square on a chess board.