helloworld-tonic-bsr 0.3.0

A Rust-based protobuf/gRPC example using buf.Build BSR.
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A Rust-based protobuf/gRPC example using buf.Build BSR. Please visit the repository to view the complete solution: client, server, and lib.

Example grpcurl commands:


grpcurl -plaintext -import-path "./proto/helloworld/v1" -proto helloworld.proto -d '{"name": "Tonic"}' '[::1]:50051' helloworld.v1.GreeterService/SayHello

{ "message": "Hello Tonic!" }

Describe GreeterService:

grpcurl --plaintext --import-path "./proto/helloworld/v1" -proto helloworld.proto describe helloworld.v1.GreeterService

helloworld.v1.GreeterService is a service:

service GreeterService {

rpc SayHello ( .helloworld.v1.SayHelloRequest ) returns ( .helloworld.v1.SayHelloResponse );
