Module he_di::container [] [src]

ContainerBuilder and Container structs used respectively to register and resolve Components.

Application startup

At application startup, you need to create a ContainerBuilder and register your components with it.

let mut builder = he_di::ContainerBuilder::new();

// Register `FooImpl` as a `Foo` Component
// Requires that `Foo` was marked as a Component using the `#[derive(Component)]` macro

register() accepts any Trait or Struct (?Sized bound) but is meant to be used to register a Component i.e. a Sized struct as being an implementation of a given interface set in the as_type() chained method.

Once you are done registering all your components, use ContainerBuilder::build() to create the Container instance that will allow you to resolve the components you registered from the Container instance.

Application execution

During application execution, you’ll need to make use of the components you registered. You do this by resolving them from a Container with one of the following resolve method:

  • Container::resolve(): remove the Component from the Container and return it (same as a HashMap::remove() method)
  • Container::resolve_ref(): instantiate a Component from the Container and return a reference to it (same as a HashMap::get() method). The Component is not consumed and you can call resolve_ref() or resolve_mut() as many times as you want, you'll get a reference to the same object every time. Calling resolve() after a resolve_ref() or resolve_mut() returns the object but prevents any further calls to resolve_ref().
  • Container::resolve_mut(): same as resolve_ref() but returns a mutable reference (same as HashMap::get_mut())

Passing parameters

Passing parameters can be done when registering (i.e. when calling ContainerBuilder::register()) or when resolving a Component (i.e. when calling Container::resolve(), Container::resolve_ref() or Container::resolve_mut())

In both case you just have to chain a with_name_parameter() or with_type_parameter() call.

When registering a Component

        .with_named_parameter("name", "fooooo".to_string());
    //  .with_type_parameter::<String>("fooooo".to_string()); // alternative

When resolving a Component

    let foo = container
        .with_named_parameter::<Foo, String>("name", "fooooooo".to_string())
    //  .with_typed_parameter::<Foo, String>("fooooooo".to_string()) // alternative



Struct containing all the components registered during the build phase, used to resolve Components.


Build a Container registering components with or without parameters.


DI Container entry associated with a unique Component (i.e. struct).



This type represents all possible errors that can occur when validating a type.