Function hdk::link::create_link

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pub fn create_link<T, E>(
    base_address: impl Into<AnyLinkableHash>,
    target_address: impl Into<AnyLinkableHash>,
    link_type: T,
    tag: impl Into<LinkTag>,
) -> ExternResult<ActionHash>
where ScopedLinkType: TryFrom<T, Error = E>, WasmError: From<E>,
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Create a link from a base hash to a target hash, with an optional tag.

Links represent the general idea of relationships between data.

Links are different from the tree of CRUD relationships:


  • reference two hashes, base and target, and can be a local entry/action or some external hash
  • there is only one way to create a link, validation logic depends on only the base+target+tag
  • can represent circular references because only hashes are needed
  • support arbitrary bytes of data (i.e. “tag”) that can be read or used to filter gets
  • deletes always point to a specific link creation event, not the link itself
  • model dynamic sets of or relationships between things
  • can reference any hash regardless of type (e.g. posts can link to comments)

Note: There is a hard limit of 1kb of data for the tag.


  • creates reference a single entry
  • updates and deletes reference create/update records by both their entry+action
  • creates, updates and deletes all have different functions, network ops and validation logic
  • is cryptographically guaranteed to be a DAG (not-circular) because they include actions
  • model “mutability” for a single thing/identity in an immutable/append-only way
  • only reference other entries of the same entry type (e.g. comments can not update posts)

See get_details and get for more information about CRUD See get_links and get_link_details for more information about filtering by tag

Generally links and CRUDs do not interact beyond the fact that links need hashes to reference for the base and target to already exist due to a prior create or update. The referenced data only needs to exist on the DHT for the link to validate, it doesn’t need to be live and can have any combination of valid/invalid crud actions. i.e. if you use link_entries! to create relationships between two entries, then update_entry on the base, the links will still only be visible to get_link(s_details)! against the original base, there is no logic to “bring forward” links to the updated entry because:

  • as per CRUD tree docs there is no “one size fits all” way to walk a tree of CRUDs
  • links are very generic and could even represent a comment thread against a specific revision such as those found against individual updates in a wiki/CMS tool so they need to stay where they were explicitly placed
  • it would actually be pretty crazy at the network layer to be gossiping links around to chase the “current revision” even if you could somehow unambiguously define “current revision”

This can be frustrating if you want “get all the links” for an entry but also be tracking your revision history somehow. A simple pattern to workaround this is to create an immutable (updates and deletes are invalid) “identity” entry that links reference and is referenced as a field on the entry struct of each create/update action. If you have the hash of the identity entry you can get all the links, if you have the entry or action hash for any of the creates or updates you can lookup the identity entry hash out of the body of the create/update entry.