[][src]Function hdk::api::link_entries

pub fn link_entries<S: Into<String>>(
    base: &Address,
    target: &Address,
    link_type: S,
    tag: S
) -> Result<Address, ZomeApiError>

Adds a named, tagged, directed link between two entries on the DHT. Consumes four values, two of which are the addresses of entries, and two of which are strings used to describe the link.

The first is the link_type. This is analogous to the entry_type and determines which validation callback will be run. The link type must match a type already defined in the DNA using the link!, to! or from! macros.

The second is the tag. This can be any arbitrary string. This will be passed to the validation callback allowing the hApp developer to control what constitutes a valid tag.

Later, lists of entries can be looked up by using get_links. Entries can only be looked up in the direction from the base, which is the first argument, to the target. It is possible to retrieve links that exactly match a particular tag and type or return all links for a given type (along with their tag string).


#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug, DefaultJson)]
pub struct Post {
    content: String,
    date_created: String,

pub fn handle_link_entries(content: String, in_reply_to: Option<Address>) -> ZomeApiResult<Address> {

    let post_entry = Entry::App("post".into(), Post{
            date_created: "now".into(),

    let address = hdk::commit_entry(&post_entry)?;


    if let Some(in_reply_to_address) = in_reply_to {
        // return with Err if in_reply_to_address points to missing entry
        hdk::get_entry_result(&in_reply_to_address, GetEntryOptions { status_request: StatusRequestKind::All, entry: false, headers: false, timeout: Default::default() })?;
        hdk::link_entries(&in_reply_to_address, &address, "comments", "")?;

