Module hcloud::apis::firewalls_api

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  • Applies one Firewall to multiple resources. Currently servers (public network interface) and label selectors are supported. #### Call specific error codes | Code | Description | |—————————––|—————————————————————| | firewall_already_applied | Firewall was already applied on resource | | incompatible_network_type | The Network type is incompatible for the given resource | | firewall_resource_not_found | The resource the Firewall should be attached to was not found |
  • Creates a new Firewall. #### Call specific error codes | Code | Description | |—————————— |––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– | | server_already_added | Server added more than one time to resource | | incompatible_network_type | The Network type is incompatible for the given resource | | firewall_resource_not_found | The resource the Firewall should be attached to was not found |
  • Deletes a Firewall. #### Call specific error codes | Code | Description | |——————— |—————————————––| | resource_in_use | Firewall must not be in use to be deleted |
  • Returns a specific Action for a Firewall.
  • Gets a specific Firewall object.
  • Returns a specific Action object.
  • Returns all Action objects for a Firewall. You can sort the results by using the sort URI parameter, and filter them with the status parameter.
  • Returns all Action objects. You can sort the results by using the sort URI parameter, and filter them with the status and id parameter.
  • Returns all Firewall objects.
  • Removes one Firewall from multiple resources. Currently only Servers (and their public network interfaces) are supported. #### Call specific error codes | Code | Description | |—————————————|————————————————————————| | firewall_already_removed | Firewall was already removed from the resource | | firewall_resource_not_found | The resource the Firewall should be attached to was not found | | firewall_managed_by_label_selector | Firewall was applied via label selector and cannot be removed manually |
  • Updates the Firewall. Note that when updating labels, the Firewall’s current set of labels will be replaced with the labels provided in the request body. So, for example, if you want to add a new label, you have to provide all existing labels plus the new label in the request body. Note: if the Firewall object changes during the request, the response will be a “conflict” error.
  • Sets the rules of a Firewall. All existing rules will be overwritten. Pass an empty rules array to remove all rules. The maximum amount of rules that can be defined is 50. #### Call specific error codes | Code | Description | |—————————––|—————————————————————| | firewall_resource_not_found | The resource the Firewall should be attached to was not found |