Crate hbs_lms

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This library implements the Leighton-Micali-Signature scheme, as defined in the RFC 8554.

It is a post-quantum secure algorithm that can be used to generate digital signatures. NIST has published recommendations for this algorithm in: NIST Recommendations for Stateful Hash-Based Signatures

This crate can be used together with the signature::SignerMut and signature::Verifier traits.


use rand::{rngs::OsRng, RngCore};
use tinyvec::ArrayVec;
use hbs_lms::{keygen, HssParameter, LmotsAlgorithm, LmsAlgorithm,
    Signature, signature::{SignerMut, Verifier},
    Sha256_256, HashChain, Seed,

let message: [u8; 7] = [42, 84, 34, 12, 64, 34, 32];

// Generate keys for a 2-level HSS system (RootTree W1/H5, ChildTree W2/H5)
let hss_parameter = [
        HssParameter::<Sha256_256>::new(LmotsAlgorithm::LmotsW1, LmsAlgorithm::LmsH5),
        HssParameter::<Sha256_256>::new(LmotsAlgorithm::LmotsW2, LmsAlgorithm::LmsH5),

let mut seed = Seed::default();
let aux_data = None;

let (mut signing_key, verifying_key) =
    hbs_lms::keygen::<Sha256_256>(&hss_parameter, &seed, aux_data).unwrap();

let signature = signing_key.try_sign(&message).unwrap();

let valid_signature = verifying_key.verify(&message, &signature);

assert_eq!(valid_signature.is_ok(), true);

Environment Variables

To adapt the internals of the crate, the user can set the following environment variables:

Adapting the crate in general

These three environment variables listed below, adapt the internals of the crate and can be used to reduce the required stack size. The values are used to set the maximum size of the arrays used for computation and storing intermediate values.

Any change limits the functionality of this crate, as no longer all possible parameters are supported! (For example setting HBS_LMS_MAX_ALLOWED_HSS_LEVELS to 1 allows only for a single tree.)

The length of the tree height and the winternitz parameter arrays must match the value of the HSS levels.

NameDefaultRange of ValuesDescription
HBS_LMS_MAX_ALLOWED_HSS_LEVELS81..8Max. tree count for HSS
HBS_LMS_TREE_HEIGHTS[25; 8]LmsAlgorithmMax. Tree Height for each tree
HBS_LMS_WINTERNITZ_PARAMETERS[1; 8]LmotsAlgorithmMin. Winternitz Parameter for each tree

Reducing the HSS levels or the values of the tree heights lead to a reduced stack usage. For the values of the Winternitz parameter the inverse must be applied, as higher Winternitz parameters reduce the stack usage.

Adapting wrt the ‘fast_verify’ feature

The ‘fast_verify’ features enables this crate to sign fast verifiable signatures. The drawback is more computative effort on the side of the signer. With the these two environment variables listed below, the user can adapt effect.

HBS_LMS_MAX_HASH_OPTIMIZATIONS10_000Try count to optimize the hash
HBS_LMS_THREADS1Thread count to split the effort

If the crate is compiled with the std library, the effort of the generation of fast verifiable signatures can be split to multiple threads using the HBS_LMS_THREADS.





  • This trait is used inside the library to generate hashes. Default implementations are available with [sha256::Sha256] and [shake256::Shake256]. It can be used to outsource calculations to hardware accelerators.
